
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 sid.inpe.br/marte2/2017/
%2 sid.inpe.br/marte2/2017/
%@isbn 978-85-17-00088-1
%F 59675
%T Aplicação de remoção do continuo e analise de profundidade de feição para descriminar Goethita e Hematita de um perfil de Latossolos - Vermelho amarelo em Morro do Chapéu-BA
%D 2017
%A Lima, Roneise de Jesus,
%A Chaves, Joselisa Maria,
%A Souza, Deorgia Tayane Mendes de,
%A Rocha, Washington de Jesus Sant'Anna da Franca,
%@electronicmailaddress isedelima@gmail.com
%E Gherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino,
%E Aragão, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 18 (SBSR)
%C Santos
%8 28-31 maio 2017
%I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%J São José dos Campos
%P 6890-6897
%S Anais
%1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%X The present work had as main objective to use the technique of the removal of the continuous and depth of feature to discriminate Goethita and Hematite from a Red-yellow Latossolos profile in Morro Chapéu-BA. To do so, it was anchored in a literature review on the technique, mineralogy and soils, lithology and pedological characterization of the study area, field research, whose purpose was the definition of horizons, and collection of samples, soil-based laboratory analysis In the methodology of Ben-Dor (1997), using the FieldSpec ASD Spectroradiometers, which cover the range of 350 to 2500 nanometers, analysis of the spectral curves, and application of continuous removal and depth of feature. Through the stripping technique, 470 μm and 674 μm absorption bands were found in goethite and in the 900 μm absorption band, features related to hematite. Among the horizons analyzed, the Bw horizon had a greater depth in the absorption bands of goethite, with a depth of feature of 1,152, referring to the absorption band 470 μm and depth of 689, referring to the absorption band 674 μm. The Bw horizon also had a greater depth of feature in the absorption band with respect to hematite, with a depth of 939. Through the techniques of removal of the continuum and depth of feature it was possible to identify goethite and hematite features in the analyzed profile. Thus, it can be stated that the classification of this profile is due to the greater presence of the mineral Goethite in the horizons.
%9 Solos e umidade do solo
%@language pt
%3 59675.pdf
